You Can Now Subscribe To My Blog via Email
I don’t think you should. I think you should use RSS.
But if you want posts delivered directly to your email, you can do that now.
However, disclaimer: I don’t know if I’ll keep this feature.
It costs me money.
And I don’t monetize my blog.
So sending you an email costs me monies every month.
And if that ever gets to feeling too expensive, it’ll be one of the first things I cut in my budget.
And fair warning: I’m cheap, lol.
How I Did It
Pretty simple: I setup an account with Buttondown which has an rss-to-email feature.
This is nice because I’m lazy. I want to put as little effort as possible into this.
I’m already publishing a feed on my blog, so I just point Buttondown at that feed, do a little configuration, and voila! Every time I publish a new post, Buttondown will pick it up and fire off emails.
Getting a little widget on to my site where folks can put in their email to sign up was a breeze. I was able to copy/paste some <form>
code, style it a tiny bit, and be on my way. No <script>
(Honestly, the folks at Buttondown were super helpful and generous through this whole process. If you’re looking for an email platform, check them out. Also: this is not a sponsored post. I just genuinely had a good experience.)
Why I Did It
Out of curiosity.
Maybe around the beginning of 2026 I’ll write another post and let you know if anybody signed up.
I can’t keep track of how many people are signed up via RSS. And that’s fine.
However, I will know how many people are signed up via email, which is both cool and terrifying: cool because who doesn’t want to know they have readers? But terrifying because each person costs me money and my blog makes me $0/year.
That’s why I say, go ahead and subscribe via email but do it at your peril! One day, the emails may stop coming.
But they’ll always be there on the web and in your feed reader.