HTML Minification for Static Sites

This is a note to my future self, as I’ve setup HTML minification on a few different projects and each time I ask myself, “How did I do that again?” So here’s your guide, future Jim (and anyone else on the internet who finds this).

I use html-minifier to minifiy HTML files created by my static site generator. Personally, I use the CLI tool because it's easy to add a CLI command as an npm postbuild step.

Example package.json:

  "scripts": {
    "build": "<BUILD-COMMAND>"
    "postbuild": "html-minifier --input-dir <BUILD-DIR> --output-dir <BUILD-DIR> --file-ext html <OPTIONS>"

All the minification options are off by default, so you have to turn them on one-by-one (HTML minfication is a tricky concern). Me personally, I’m using the ones exemplified in the project README:

--collapse-whitespace --remove-comments --remove-optional-tags --remove-redundant-attributes --remove-script-type-attributes --remove-tag-whitespace --use-short-doctype --minify-css true --minify-js true

So, for a site folder named build, the entire command looks like this:

html-minifier --input-dir ./build --output-dir ./build --file-ext html --collapse-whitespace --remove-comments --remove-optional-tags --remove-redundant-attributes --remove-script-type-attributes --remove-tag-whitespace --use-short-doctype --minify-css true --minify-js true

That’s it — that’s the template.

What Kind of Results Do I Get?

I use this on a few of my sites, including my notes site and this blog.

When testing it locally for my blog’s build, I:

Here’s my results for my blog (2,501 items in ./build):

And the results for my notes (one big index.html file):