Blogging & Listening

When you read a great blog post, the feeling you often get is: “I already knew this, I just hadn’t been able to express it!”

In this sense, writing a great blog post is about listening.

If you’re listening — to others, your coworkers, the people you follow, your own experiences, your users, etc. — there are undertones of something being said collectively. If you can hear it, write it down.

People convey important things without stating them explicitly. When those unstated things resonate with you, write them down and publish them.

Other people may love what you write because it resonates with what they’ve been feeling and hearing. It’s both validating and clarifying!

So if you don’t know what to blog about, listen. Listen to what you hear and write it down. I doubt you’re the only one hearing it, but you can be one of the few writing it down.