ES Modules: There is No Registry

I’m excited. I’ve always wanted to live in the future, and the future is now. With ES modules support in browsers and projects like deno, the dependency on node_modules and npm is going away. In the future, there is no spoon registry.

Screenshot of a scene from “The Matrix” where Neo is taught by a young child “there is no spoon”. The text “there is no spoon” is overlaid on the image with “spoon” crossed out and “registry” overwritten in its stead.

Previously, if you wanted a JavaScript SPA (no matter how small) you’d generally have to setup something like this:

The amount of tooling got expensive really fast. While some tools like create-react-app were designed to solve hide a lot of these issues for you, you still ended up dependent on npm, a giant node_modules folder, and a build process.

The future—at least for smaller projects—cuts out all of that.

In this world, you wouldn’t (technically) even need node. All you need is an index.html file and a web server. Can’t picture how this would all work? Here’s an example index.html file using React and htm (htm to avoid using JSX, which would require a build step to transpile):

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <div id="root"></div>
  <script type="module">
    import { React, ReactDOM } from '';
    import htm from ''

    const html = htm.bind(React.createElement);

    function App (props) {
      return html`<h1>Hello ${}!</h1>`;

      html`<${App} name="World" />`,

Once your app gets big, you can start breaking out your components into individual Component.js files and then merely import them wherever you need them. Still no need for any complex bundler, build tooling, etc.

Now, to talk managing dependencies. How could you ease the burden of having to type a fully-qualified CDN URL in every single file where you need a third-part dependency? There are two viable options I’ve come across:

  1. A “Dependencies” JS File
  2. Import Maps

A “Dependencies” JS File

One of the conventions coming out of the deno community is the idea of putting all your dependencies in a deps.js file. In this way, you have one central place to see and manage (possibly all of) your dependencies.

// deps.js
export {default as React} from "";
export {default as ReactDOM} from "";
export {default as PropTypes} from "";

// index.js
import React from "./deps.js";
import ReactDOM from "./deps.js";
  React.createElement("h1", null, "Hello World"),



Import Maps

Import maps are a cool new browser specification being worked on that allows (among other things) use of bare specifiers in ES modules, i.e.

import React from "react"

You can read more about import maps on Github. What’s neat is that you can start using them today with the es-module-shims polyfill.

In this example, index.html is the new package.json

<!-- Setup where you’ll inject your app -->
<div id="root">
  <noscript>JavaScript is required.</noscript>

<!-- Load the bare module imports shim -->

<!-- Specify your 3rd party dependencies -->
<script type="importmap-shim">
    "imports": {
      "react": "",
      "react-dom": "",
      "prop-types": "",

<!-- Import your app logic -->

Then in any of your JS files, you can import your third party deps using bare module specifiers and your own modules using relative (or absolute) paths:

import React from "react";
import ThirdPartyDep from "third-party-dep";
import localDep from "./local-dep.js";

export default function MyComponent(props) {
  return (
    <div>My stuff goes here</div>

Once import maps become mainstream, you'll be able to get rid of the shim and cut the -shim off the attributes on the script tags and boom, you’ve got browser-native module loading with bare module specifiers.

Screenshot of a code diff before and after the addition of the ES modules shim in an HTML file.




I believe deno has really helped push forward these ideas. Rather than the interdependent connection between node and npm, deno gets rid of the package manager. Deno is a browser for code.

Granted all of the above is an example of working on an SPA (with a single index.html file). But these ideas are transportable. If you were creating a CLI tool, you could still remove your dependency on npm by importing all your deps from a CDN (you can even import ES modules directly from Github). In this kind of world, you can forget having to worry about build steps, publishing steps, installation steps, etc. (or even configuring CI to do that all for you). As long as you setup your URLs right, git push your code and you’re done.

The future is a good thing.